Mount Holly Select Board
The Mount Holly Select Board includes Mark Turco (Chair), Jeff Chase, and Diana Garrow. Select Board members are elected for three-year terms with one expiring every year.
The Select Board may be reached at [email protected] or at the Town Office at (802) 259-2391. The Select Board Clerk and Select Board member Diana Garrow also keep public office hours at the Town Office on Mondays between 10 am and 12 pm. Letters may also be mailed to the attention of the Select Board at the Town Office.
The Mount Holly Select Board meets regularly on the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm. Agendas for each meeting are posted on this site, in the Mount Holly Post Office and Belmont Post Office and at the Town Office.
Upcoming Meetings
Meeting | Date & Time | Location | Zoom Access | Agenda |
Regular | APR 8, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | MAY 13, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | JUNE 10, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | JULY 8, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | AUG 12, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | SEP 9, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | OCT 14, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | NOV 11, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Regular | DEC 9, 6 PM | Mount Holly Town Office | Launch Meeting | Agenda to come. |
Open Meeting Law and Public Access to Meetings
As a non-advisory body performing supervision, control, and jurisdiction over legislative, quasi-judicial, tax, and budgetary matters, the Mount Holly Select Board complies with Vermont’s state Open Meeting Law, including Act 133 (S.55), which was amended to the law beginning July 1, 2024.
In compliance with the law, the Select Board offers virtual access to all meetings via Zoom, records all meetings, and makes agendas, minutes and recordings available to the public via the links below. All meetings are warned to the public, and agendas for each meeting may be found on this site, as well as in the Town’s designated public posting locations, 48 hours prior to each meeting (for regular meetings) and 24 hours prior to each meeting (for special meetings). Minutes for all meetings may also be found in hard copy at the Town Office and are filed five calendar days after each meeting. They are also printed and mailed monthly to residents via the Chit Chat, which is published approximately ten days following the regular meeting date.
Members of the public are invited to attend Select Board meetings, either in person or remotely, and to make public comments at the time of the meeting. All regular monthly and special Select Board meetings are accessible at the Town Office and by Zoom, and all regular meetings contain an agenda item for Citizen Comments. Attendees may also raise their hands at meetings (in person or virtually) to make comments on specific agenda items.
If individuals wish to make a public comment but do not have the ability to attend a meeting, the Select Board welcomes mailed or emailed comment(s) in advance of meetings. Comments should be submitted by the Monday morning preceding the meeting date to ensure receipt prior to the meeting.
Comments and letters may be sent to the Mount Holly Select Board at [email protected]; mailed to Mount Holly Select Board, P.O. Box 248, Mount Holly, VT 05758, or hand-delivered to the Town Office at 50 School Street in Mount Holly.
If any member(s) of the public perceive(s) or believe(s) that a violation of the Open Meeting Law has occurred, the Town of Mount Holly requests that such individuals follow these procedures for filing an Open Meeting Law complaint: 1) provide the public body written notice that alleges a specific violation of this subchapter and requests a specific cure of such violation; 2) offers such written notice by sending the complaint to the Mount Holly Select Board at [email protected]; mailing to Mount Holly Select Board, P.O. Box 248, Mount Holly, VT 05758, or hand-delivering to the Town Office at 50 School Street in Mount Holly. The Select Board will follow the statuatory guidlelines outlined for responding to such complaints, as outlined in the relevant statute, 1 V.S.A. § 314, which may be accessed in full on the Vermont State Statutes Online.
Joining Regular Meetings Via Zoom
All Select Board meetings can be joined via Zoom at:
Select Board Meetings can also be viewed retrospectively at the recording links below; links to all regular meetings are also available at Okemo Valley TV.
Submitting Agenda Items
Agenda items for regular select board meetings must be received by noon on the Wednesday prior to the scheduled meeting. Any supporting documentation for agenda items must be received by 9 am on the Monday before the Select Board meeting. Items and/or documentation not received by these deadlines will be added to the following month’s agenda.
Letters and agenda items pertaining to a possible Junk Ordinance violation must include the physical address of the property in question, and must identify the submitter’s name and contact information, so that the Select Board may address the complaint and provide a follow-up to the reporting individual(s).
For archives of past years’ meeting minutes and agendas, visit Select Board Archived Agendas and Minutes.