The Town of Mount Holly adopted our current Flood Hazard and River Corridor (FHRC) Bylaw on May 9, 2023
The purpose of the FHRC Bylaw is to:
- To implement the goals, policies, and recommendations in the Mount Holly Town Plan;
- To protect health, safety and welfare of the public, minimize and prevent the loss of life and property, the disruption of commerce, the impairment of the tax base, and the extraordinary public expenditures and demands on public services that result from flooding-related inundation and erosion hazards;
- Support equitable wellbeing for the entire community;
- Ensure that development in our community protects floodplain and river corridor functions, and avoids and reduces damage from flooding and erosion;
- Manage all flood hazard areas pursuant to 24 VSA §4382 and 10 VSA §§751, 753; and
- Make the Town of Mount Holly, its citizens, and businesses eligible for federal flood insurance, federal disaster recovery funds, and hazard mitigation funds, as may be available.
In short, our current FHRC bylaw protects us from flooding-related hazards in areas prone to flooding and makes us eligible to receive the maximum level of state and federal disaster relief, up to 92.5% of costs.
By managing development in the specified river corridors, the bylaw will reduce the risk of damage to property and personal injury resulting from structures and objects being washed downstream in extreme flooding. Also, the additional State disaster relief available to the Town would reduce the cost of recovery to Town taxpayers.
- Mount Holly Flood Hazard and River Corridor Bylaw – Adopted 2023-05-09
- Permit Application Form – Approved 2023-06-21
- Map of Special Flood Hazard Areas and River Corridors
More information
- River Corridors – Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
- Interactive Maps of River Corridors – Use Flood Ready Tools to Zoom to Address and “Toggle River Corridors on”
- Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund
- Fact Sheet