Animal Control

Mount Holly enforces a municipal ordinance regarding the keeping of dog and wolf hybrids, which can be found on this site’s Ordinances and Policies page. In summary, the ordinance requires that all dog and wolf hybrids are licensed and collared in accordance with the laws of the State of Vermont, and that owners ensure that dogs and wolf hybrids do not present a nuisance to the public. The ordinance also specifies penalties and fees associated with violations, as well as impoundment policies for dogs determined to be vicious.

Residents wishing to lodge a complaint or concern regarding a dog or wolf hybrid whose owner is in violation of the ordinance should contact:

Town of Mount Holly Animal Control Officer
Adam Karle
(802) 236-3656

Residents or health care providers wishing to report a dog bite should contact:

Town of Mount Holly Health Officer
Chad Farrrar
(802) 342-1366